Fostering Spiritual & Natural Development


In 2013, Kamia birthed “Change My Status” to help those who desired freedom from sexual perversion. The conferences helped to teach others how to administer truths about sexual perversion. Her experience of God’s forgiveness and restoration from lesbianism helped to establish her ministry call. In 2010, Kamia released her first DVD, “From a Ho to a Legacy!” She shares the testimony of her journey from failure to liberation. This documentary also contains God-given truths about sexual perversion. Kamia is excited about sharing more revelations about sexual perversion while penning a book entitled “Lucifer’s Replacement.” She believes that God loves all and does not discriminate regardless of one’s status.

homosexuality chose me

This is the victorious testimony of Kamia White and how He never gave up on her! God unleashed an unexpected plan to recover the brokenness. This is the story of her descent into the world of illicit sex, unplanned hiatus from God and the church, an unsuccessful attempt to become who I thought I was, and the perplexing battle against the seduction of suicide. Kamia is very thankful for another opportunity to succeed in life.

Clintmaxine 11th hour bridge

Kamia launched the “Worth” Women’s fellowship in July 2016. “Worth” was conceived with the heart of women in mind, Melissa Munson partnered with the idea, and the initial gathering totaled 18 women.

They experienced an atmosphere that promoted love, healing, and an encouraging word. Since the initial time of fellowship, “Worth” has grown to over 50 attendees and meets quarterly.

Through teaching the word alongside worship and the prophetic, God has miraculously healed, encouraged, and strengthened the spirit and souls of women from different denominations. It’s a time of relaxation, rejuvenation, and good wholesome fun. Attending “Worth” leaves you with an unforgettable encounter with God’s Presence.



I was introduced to Bishop Kamia White and her ministry in 2011 and since that time, both she and her ministry have been a blessing to me. I have witnessed the Holy Spirit use her in the areas of prophecy, healing, deliverance and even through the sharing of her own personal testimony (to name a few) in order to set God’s people free. Bishop Kamia’s powerful delivery and authentic presentation has assisted her in teaching, inspiring and empowering men and women from various walks of life. Therefore, in this dispensation, her voice is one that I have grown to not only respect, but trust. I believe that what she speaks is what “thus saith the Lord!” It is truly an honor and blessing to know that God has chosen her for such a time as this.
— Dr. La Shonda D. Smith-Lyons PhD Div, MS, MFCT

In 2010, I was involved with a local ministry, which helped women in addiction recovery. I was asked one night to co-chaperone a group of the women and drive them to a Tuesday night service at Reviving Souls. To say the worship that evening was life-changing would be an understatement. The deliverance I witness was very powerful and the Lord touched my heart in a profound way. Over the next several years, my Tuesday night visits evolved into Pastor Kamia becoming a loyal friend, and a trusted spiritual mentor that both my husband and I love dearly. We have been delighted with Kamia’s teachings, sound biblical truth, and deep love for God and his people. Her humility and humor is a blessing to all who know her. I am thrilled to partner with Pastor Kamia in “Worth Women’s Fellowship” and I am honored to be a member of Reviving Souls and continue my discipleship under her tutelage.
— Melissa Munson, Co-Host of Worth Women's Fellowship

Stephen Munson, Founder of HEAL